How I ended up here
Hey! My name is Kaela. I'm so happy you're here! Are you tired of the chaos and feeling like there aren't enough hours in the day?
That was me!
I had my family to care for, a house to keep in order, one baby after another, and several pivoting small businesses as each new child came.
With all the chaos came stress, irritability, frustration, secret tears while folding the laundry & holding a baby.
I started researching why my love of pen to paper helped all of my feelings. Why I instantly feel better when I wrote my to-do's down, why my brain could remember what I wrote down and not what I typed in my phone... turns out it's scientifically proven to be better for you. Go figure!
Long-handed writing activates more parts of your brain, which in turn help with memory retention. People who write their goals down are 55% more likely to complete them.
I started with my own system and learned what made me more productive and time efficient. This is what I've now created to share with you after years of test & trial. Let's take your chaos and turn it into clarity.
- Kae xo